Students seek to shine in soccer

By Confidence Masvosva- Soccer Captain

Mens sana in corpore sano (a healthy mind in a healthy body). Our lives as human beings are to be guided by that statement.

After our long soccer season break of last year, we are back to another exciting phase of the beautiful game. Last year our team did so well in tournaments such as the Brotherhood cup and Inter Seminary Soccer Tournament. We are building from where we left off. As a community guided by hope, we are looking forward to bringing not only one trophy, but hopefully two trophies this year.

We have different talents. In this context, I am focusing on all the soccer lovers and players. Their ideas for the game, their legs on the field and their passion are going to make our team proud. Preparations have started with our soccer training. We train two or three times a week. And as Aristotle says “excellence therefore is not an act but a habit.” We did not delay we had to hit the ground running.

It is said “give a man a soccer ball, he plays for a moment. Teach a man to play soccer, he plays for a lifetime.” Soccer is a team game where we get to know each other and work together. As Diego Maradona once said: “When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success.” There is a good mood from the soccer players and great improvement is possible. We still have time to polish up and shine for our first tournament of the year the Brotherhood cup against other religious order seminaries in Melbourne. The event will take place on Saturday, May 12, 2018.