The Seminary
Priestly formation for diocesan seminarians from the Archdioceses of Melbourne and Hobart, as well as the Dioceses of Ballarat, Sale and Sandhurst.
Words of Welcome
The word ‘seminary’ comes from the Latin for ‘seedbed’, a dedicated place where something created by God is nurtured and encouraged to grow.

Seminarian of the Archdiocese of Hobart, Yohan Wickramasekara, provides some insights into the recent annual retreat.
Josh McDermid reports on the recent visit of the Rector of the Venerable English College in Rome, Fr Stephen Wang.
Mathews Noble provides some insights into the annual first-year pilgrimage to Penola in the footsteps of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop.
Josh McDermid provides a glimpse into last Sunday’s celebrations for the Feast of Corpus Christi.
Cameron Ryan reports on the recent visit of students and staff from Trinity College, Parkville.
Seminarian for the Archdiocese of Hobart, Akalanka Randeniya, gave this reflection to our seminary community for the Feast of St Luke.
Yousif Alkateb, a seminarian from the Syriac Catholic Church who had to leave Iraq as a teenager due to persecution, gave this reflection during our Sunday Holy Hour.
Seminarian for the Diocese of Ballarat, Channa Tilakarathna, gave this reflection to our seminary community during our Sunday Holy Hour.
Yousif Alkateb provided this reflection on the Gospel text, Matthew 22:24-30, during Evening Prayer.
On the eve of the Seminary Enquiry Day, Cameron Ryan gave this reflection to our community.
During Vespers for the Solemnity of the Most Sacred of Jesus, Josh McDermid gave this reflection to our seminary community.
Ian Vergel gave this reflection to our community for the Feast of the Visitation of Blessed Virgin Mary.
During our Holy Hour on the 3rd Sunday of Easter, John Vespa provided the community with this reflection, presented as a dialogue between himself and Christ in the Blessed Sacrament.