Aspiring to Holy Orders

By Josh McDermid


The Rite of Admission to Candidacy for Holy Orders is celebrated when it has been established that those aspiring to Holy Orders have the necessary qualifications and have achieved sufficient maturity. When the aspirant has been approved, they then publicly state their intention to be admitted as a candidate for Holy Orders. This intention is received by the aspirant’s bishop or religious superior.


Hence, last week Corpus Christi College welcomed Archbishop Peter Comensoli and other guests for Mass in our College Chapel. During Mass, three Melbourne seminarians, Tuong Nguyen, Ian Vergel, and John Vespa, declared their resolve to complete their preparations, so that through Holy Orders they can assume ministry within the Church. Moreover, they committed themselves in a particular way to faithfully serving Christ and his Church. This joyous occasion was completed with a celebratory breakfast, ably prepared by our college chef, Jeff Blew.

We congratulate Tuong, Ian and John on reaching this important milestone on their journey towards priesthood and we ask that you continue to pray for them as they prepare for diaconal ordination.